After a long, cool, and wet spring, summer has come with a vengeance. So it’s time for a word of thanks from the staff at Nu Image Lawn Care Inc.
Thank you to our clients who understand that the heat slows us down on job sites. For the health and safety of our workers, we have to conserve our energy and take water breaks. And sometimes it’s even too hot for the lawnmowers.
Thank you to restaurants like Tim Horton’s and McDonalds, who allow outside workers to use their washrooms, fill their water bottles, and let them cool off in air-conditioned comfort.
Thank you to our clients who offer water or watermelon slices to our workers. We appreciate the kindness and consideration.
Thank you to the mosquito population, that seems to have simmered down after a frightfully, biting spring.
And finally, thank you Mother Nature. We’re grateful for the heat, because in six months, we could be cloaked in a blanket of snow.